Flipfreaking Friday. First Friday too. Not going to find us at Abbot Kinney as we're going cardinal and gold on this one. Here's the plan. Going to T-Lofts for lunch Feb 5th Friday 11am-2:45pm, then we're going to USC for the night 4pm to 12am as always. You know we deliver at USC? Simple you just call 310-944-2474.
Does T-Pain own the T-Lofts you ask? I don't know but let me ask you this right back, Does the T in T-Pain stand for Tennessee?. These are both unknowns.
Will O.J. Simpson or O.J. Mayo be at the SliceTruck at USC?, No but Matt Leinart probably won't be there either so where does THAT leave us? Does USC let people in named O.J. anymore? How bout this, if your USC student ID says O.J. on it we'll give you a free slice on Friday. Ok, its a deal. All the current USC students, undergrad or grad, named O.J. can have a free slice of pizza on Friday if they stop by.
Oh, hold on. We're also going to Alhambra on Saturday for a major Lunar New Year parade. Did I ever tell you about the parade website I'm going to make? Paradesaroundtheworlddotcom.com, its gonna be great, you can watch parades on your computer, or your telephone, or even just listen to parades. Don't tell anyone about my idea, they'd steal and we won't get rich from it.
Seriously we're going to be at this parade here's some info. Its the year of the tiger, a really sweet sounding year not to be confused with the eye of the tiger. When people ask you what year it is say "tiger" or "tiger woods" not "eye of the tiger" though.
UPDATE-We are seriously not going to the parade in Alhambra. It was cancelled today due to weather. Saturday we're taking off juicing up for Superbowl Sunday. Pizza day. Will be at USC. Don't do yourself wrong by ordering from any other pizza place. You will and should hate yourself for doing something like that.
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