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Saturday, March 31, 2012

We've won the Mega Millions while on vacation in Maryland. (this article is completely true)

We are about the open our new restaurant at 2012 Sawtelle.

Here's us making some dough yesterday:

I hope you will swing by and have some pizza. We're going to open up next Tuesday at 2012 Sawtelle blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025. This is our location. We are having a "soft opening" as we have no clue what we are doing other than making some ultra premium pizzas. It's possible that you have something else in mind but the fact is that every aspect of the pizza we will be selling is top notch and there is no where else in the world right now that you can get a pizza similar to ours. Maybe you're searching for a pizza that's like another pizza you once had and you'd be glad to get something similar to it even if its a little worse.? Well this won't be that. It is a perfectly unique pizza. No one's gonna copy it either because its too expensive to make. It makes no sense to make this pizza that we're making as a business when you can take $1.13 in ingredients and sell it for $15 at your pizza place and no one says a word. Its just too easy, but that's not what we're doing.

By soft opening we mean that we've got some things we're still waiting on to complete the puzzle but at the same time we're ready to go. The main thing we need are some great employees to handle some of the work. Since we don't have any employees we're going to only open from 11am-9pm Monday - Friday and while the meanwhile we'll be looking for some great people who'd like to spend the rest of their lives with us. Honestly that's what we're looking for. Lifers. People who would like to make pizzas for Slicetruck for the rest of their lives. This is not a joke, we'd like to have a staff of pizza makers who all make over $100,000 a year and have all been here the whole time. Its a soft opening because after a month of being a soft opening we'd like to make it a hard opening and be open 11am to 11pm 7 days a week and offer delivery. We're not going to deliver during the soft opening but we will deliver after the soft opening is done.

In summation:..., We're going to open on Tuesday, April 3rd 2012. If you're not used to really nice things then you'd will feel pretentious as you eat our luxurious pizza. However, as it turns out, you deserve it. We're only open Mon-Friday 11AM-9PM, to start until, let's say, May 1st and then we will be open longer hours. We will update the information.


  1. Congratulations guys! I live in Tulsa, OK and have followed you guys for years. See, my family has been in the pizza business ever since I can remember. And when I decided several years ago, to open up a pizza truck, naturally I googled the idea first. That's where I first saw you guys. Once again, congratulations, have fun, and above all else, make some serious dough! Be good.
    ~KJ Lehman
    NYC Pizza
    Tulsa, OK

  2. Thanks KJ. Interesting, how I have no clue who might be following us. Are you going to get a truck yourself?

  3. I've slowly been converting a 26ft electricians step van into a mobile New York pizzeria. The idea is roughly 4 years old, the actual conversion, about 3 years. I'm a small time operator who refuses to take a loan. So I extra income becomes available, I've been investing it into this and a couple of other projects. The main reason the truck idea interested me so much was due to the fact that you can never lose your lease. I've yet to deploy the damn thing yet, however. I'm hoping in a couple of weeks. It seems the Tulsa County Health Department wants to "help me save money", so therefore is telling me to alter my plumbing setup, which in doing so will actually cost me about $2000.00 to what I've already spent on an already tight budget. If that's their idea of saving me money, it lends some insight into governments issues with revenue shortfalls and fuzzy math budget projections. Lol. Oh well. Onward I go.
